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stalker_online_mmo:zona:mutantes [02/09/2010 21:52]
stalker_online_mmo:zona:mutantes [02/09/2010 22:12]
Línea 18: Línea 18:
 ===== Animales ===== ===== Animales =====
 ==== Lobo ==== ==== Lobo ====
 +{{stalker_online_mmo:​zona:​sob_m.jpg }}
 ==== Jabalí ==== ==== Jabalí ====
 +{{stalker_online_mmo:​zona:​kaban_m.jpg }}
 ==== Rata ==== ==== Rata ====
Línea 28: Línea 31:
 ==== Oso ==== ==== Oso ====
 +{{stalker_online_mmo:​zona:​medv_m.jpg }}Existían cuentos y leyendas que hablaban de estas criaturas antes incluso del Accidente, pero incluso los stalkers más experimentados temen encontrarse con estos osos mutantes. El impacto de las anomalías en los osos ha sido devastador, comenzando por el hecho de pasar de ser omnívoros a depredadores carnívoros. Además, los dientes y garras de estos osos han mutado aumentando su tamaño y, por si fuera poco, su agresividad e instinto depredador hacen que ataque a cualquier presa - sin importar la que sea.
 +Los osos mutantes son mucho más tenaces y además se curan de sus heridas mucho más rápido de lo normal. Por la Zona se habla de osos cazando sus presas incluso después de haber recibido todo un cargador... La increíble fuerza y la rapidez de estos mutantes, les convierte en el más peligroso.
 +Son osos muy territoriales y aunque no suelen ir en grupos, no dejan pasar facilmente los stalkers a través de su hábitat. De hecho, lo normal es que se organicen batidas de caza entre los stalkers para crear caminos seguros a través de la Zona - y aún con tantos cazadores hay bajas entre los stalkers durante estas batidas.
 ===== Monstruos ===== ===== Monstruos =====
 ==== Basilisk ==== ==== Basilisk ====
 +{{stalker_online_mmo:​zona:​bes_vjdel.jpg }}Besa, unlike other mutants fairly easy to identify how much of a modified human. Mutations affect the whole, completely erasing all of humanity. Now the devil is something quite different. ​
 +The Devils have probably the most powerful psionic abilities, among all the mutants Zone. The devil does not have a pronounced jaw and it is unclear what is prey to this monster. The devil can burn unprotected brain stalker. Some demons have strong psihokieticheskimi abilities and under the influence of their own flesh torn apart. ​
 +Sometimes, not far from the anomalies are dead people, without any visible damage. Often there is no internal organs. Among Stalkers are persistent rumors that the Devils suck out of people'​s life itself. Mozgososy another apt title, which gave the Devils the surviving stalkers. ​
 +With all of his psionic power, demons can not sustain any lasting fire. However, the Devils cleverly hide behind psihokineticheskimi screens, rejecting the flames and bullets, which is very very difficult to combat them. Some of the demons take control of stalkers and forcing them to shoot their own men.
 ==== Verlioka ==== ==== Verlioka ====
Línea 40: Línea 52:
 ==== Bruto ==== ==== Bruto ====
 +Brutor, like Bes, is highly mutated human. The closest to the impenetrable Brutor and Wood Goblin, but Brutor not have a drop of humanity. Fully keratinized skin, filled with metals, making it look like a zombie in the shell. Brutora very difficult to destroy small caliber weapons. Nekotorpye brutory survived even after a direct hit by a grenade. ​
 +If allowed to get close Brutora, we can safely say goodbye to life. However, there are cases where proof or Goblin constrained Brutora for a few minutes, buying time for aiming stalkers with large-caliber weapons. ​
 +Brutor terrible in itself, presenting a horrible scene. Constantly hungry beast all the time looking for their own food and do not hesitate or anything. The huge jaws with formidable teeth, torn all living things. Frequently Brutory cut the whole group of stalkers, unknowingly caught in their habitats, the bones and remains of equipment in disarray scattered in different corners of the countryside,​ make clear the traveler of the terrible fate of this team. 
 +Brutor absolutely vicious creature can pursue their prey even if it is to shoot the legs or other body parts, pain Brutora only ozlablivaet,​ making it the car of murder and rage.
 ==== Guardián ==== ==== Guardián ====
stalker_online_mmo/zona/mutantes.txt · Última modificación: 26/12/2014 20:36 (editor externo)